Doug Ness is an artist who has spent most of his adulthood living in New York City and Chicago. He currently resides in Missoula, Montana. In his work, he attempts to “find art in the ordinary”, to discover the beauty of common, overlooked objects in unexpected places. His work has been exhibited around the country and has earned international recognition. 

Statement: Urban Pop
The pop culture theme of these images stems from a fascination with consumerism, idolatry, and identity in modern society. The images are all “found objects” in that the subjects are photographed without any alterations. Each scene is ephemeral in nature, a brief moment in time. New posters and paint cover the old in an ever-changing cycle. Found in New York, Paris, Berlin, and Rome, the images reflect some of the popular values, frequently conveying a sense of nostalgia, quite literally plastered throughout these contemporary urban settings.